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Card Sorting and Tree Testing

I started by deciding on the pages and subpages I wanted to include in the website. Then I conducted card sorting and after Tree testing.

Card Sorting:

What is card sorting? 

"Card sorting is a technique that involves asking users to organise information into logical groups.

Users are given a series of labelled cards and asked to organise and sort them into groups that they think are appropriate. Card sorting helps you to design an information architecture, workflow, menu structure or website navigation paths." (



I used to conduct the card sorting, in this platform users are able to interact and drag the pages and sub-pages into the categories they think match best.

Screenshot 2021-06-24 at 16.12.03.png
On the Phone

Tree Testing:

What is tree testing? 

"Tree testing allows you to show a menu structure to users in its most basic form without worrying about the layout and design. Users are asked to complete a series of tasks looking for items using the site structure. "

" (



I used the same platform  to conduct the tree testing as I did for the card sorting. I used tree testing to test whether the results obtained from card sorting would be suitable. Users had a display of the website pages as shown in the picture below and then they where asked which page they would go to find information about a specific topic. This allowed me to see if the website flow was clear. 


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